Now, let me just start this by saying - wow! Three weeks without social media (Instagram was my biggest culprit), has completely realigned me back to myself. I don't think a lot of us actually realise how damaging social media (mainly Instagram) can be. It's something we know deep down, but never actually put into action as it satisfies an itch we have.
Within my first week off social media, I really felt so off, my body was going through dopamine withdrawals. I felt numb in a sense. So flat, bored and not knowing what to do with myself. This sounds so silly, but I just felt so lost. Many emotions came up for me during this time, and this taught me to just sit and be with them. To just sit and be within my body. I learnt during this time that I was constantly always doing and never just being. The joy of just being - is unmatched! You simply just feel so surrendered and at peace (but these feelings came around week two of my detox!).
The second week off social media was when my body and mind finally started to settle into the calmness around me. I no longer was needing little hits of dopamine everyday - and I started to try new creative hobbies to fill my time with and to tap into joy. Most of my time I spent being outside, reading and doing embroidery. I didn't even feel inclined to watch TV - but when I did, I was very present with it and not distracted. This time was absolute bliss.
By the third week of my detox, I found myself scrolling a little on Facebook and Pinterest (oops), but I noticed something so interesting. After doing this, I found myself to be really irritable, not as tapped into my own inner joy as I was, as well not as connected to my intuition. I have found that when I am on social media, it sets off old beliefs within me, I take on others energy (yes that's possible through the screen), and I noticed that most things on social media are all fear-based narratives! Being in this energy for even just a few minutes, I felt the difference within my body. I felt unsettled again, wanting to be in my doing state - instead of just being - and my mind was racing again.
The reason why I took three weeks away from social media, was because I was in a slump in my life and business. I felt super unmotivated, not at all wanting to create or even pour any love into my business. I was running on empty.
Since taking this short amount of time off, so many things have shifted for me, I found a new love for myself again, I feel like I have found my inner power, I feel so clear and aligned to my business and want to create! My intuition is plugged back in, and I just feel so much more at peace with myself.
I won't lie, I am a little nervous to jump back onto Instagram for my business, but I trust in myself to have and set really strong boundaries. If there's anything I can share with you today, if this has resonated with you or pulled at your curiosity - listen to that! That is your intuition chiming in. Take a break from the world of social media, take time away and really reconnect back with yourself. Sit with yourself and just be! Read a new book, start a new creative hobby, garden or spend time with your friends or family. It's okay to take a break, step back and take time to reconnect with yourself again.
Wishing you all the best! x